中国在要求互联网平台报告用户税收信息的新规则方面征求公众意见。 China seeks public input on new rules requiring internet platforms to report tax info on users.
中国当局正在就要求互联网平台提交企业和个人税收信息的新规则征求公众意见。 Chinese authorities are seeking public input on new rules requiring internet platforms to submit tax information about businesses and individuals. 这些规则由国家税务局和国家市场管制管理局起草,旨在防止逃税,促进公平的税收环境,不对大多数行业产生重大影响。 Drafted by the State Taxation Administration and the State Administration for Market Regulation, these rules aim to prevent tax evasion and promote a fair tax environment without significantly impacting most industries. 草案将在1月19日之前开放供评论。 The draft will be open for comments until January 19.