美国制裁四个巴基斯坦实体的导弹计划,冻结资产和禁止美国交易。 USA sanctions four Pakistan entities over missile program, freezing assets and banning US dealings.
美国对包括国家发展综合体(NDC)在内的四个巴基斯坦实体实施制裁,因为它们参与了巴基斯坦的远程弹道导弹计划。 The US has imposed sanctions on four Pakistan entities, including the National Development Complex (NDC), for their involvement in Pakistan's long-range ballistic missile program. 根据《第13382号行政命令》实施的这些制裁旨在遏制大规模毁灭性武器及其运载系统的扩散。 These sanctions, based on Executive Order 13382, aim to curb the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems. 美国将冻结这些实体的任何美国财产,并禁止美国人与他们做生意。 The US will freeze any US property of these entities and ban Americans from doing business with them. 巴基斯坦批评这一举动,称其有偏见并有害于区域稳定。 Pakistan has criticized the move, calling it biased and harmful to regional stability.