美国警告巴基斯坦发展导弹可能威胁美国目标,实施制裁。 US warns Pakistan's missile development could threaten American targets, imposes sanctions.
白宫一位高级官员警告说,巴基斯坦研制长程弹道导弹最终可能使它能够攻击南亚以外的目标,包括美国。 A senior White House official has warned that Pakistan's development of long-range ballistic missiles could eventually allow it to strike targets beyond South Asia, including the United States. 美国对与导弹计划有关的四个巴基斯坦实体实施制裁,而巴基斯坦则批评这些行动带有偏见。 The US has imposed sanctions on four Pakistani entities linked to the missile program, while Pakistan has criticized these actions as biased. 这种事态发展使人们对巴基斯坦的意图和美国-巴基斯坦关系的未来产生疑问。 This development raises questions about Pakistan's intentions and the future of US-Pakistan relations.