新西兰租赁市场的房源激增,将租金中位数降至每周 630 美元。 New Zealand's rental market sees listings surge, driving median rent down to $630 weekly.
新西兰租房市场逐年上市量增加了36%,每月上市量增加了4%。 New Zealand's rental market saw a 36% increase in listings year-over-year, with a 4% rise month-over-month. 这一供过于求导致每周平均租金为630美元,低于10月的635美元。 This oversupply has led to a median weekly rent of $630, down from $635 in October. 富尔湾是最昂贵的区域,每周675美元,紧随其后的是奥克兰,每周670美元。 The Bay of Plenty is the most expensive region at $675 per week, followed closely by Auckland at $670. 1-2卧室房产的租金略有增加,奥克兰较大的房产则有所减少,惠灵顿的公寓和城镇住宅租金下降了2.5%。 While 1-2 bedroom properties saw slight rent increases, larger properties in Auckland saw decreases, and Wellington's apartments and townhouses experienced a 2.5% drop in rent.