17年来,新西兰房价暴涨102.6%,超过公寓82.8%的增长幅度。 New Zealand house prices surged 102.6% over 17 years, outpacing apartments' 82.8% increase.
17年来,新西兰的房价上涨102.6%,而公寓价格上涨82.8%。 House prices in New Zealand have increased by 102.6% over 17 years, while apartments saw an 82.8% rise. 从2019年到2024年,两者都出现了类似的增长率:房屋29.6%,公寓27.1%。 From 2019 to 2024, both saw similar growth rates: 29.6% for houses and 27.1% for apartments. 住房更多地受益于土地价值的增加,但是由于成本较低,公寓对首次购买者仍然具有吸引力。 Houses benefit more from land value increases, but apartments remain attractive for first-time buyers due to lower costs. 生活方式的偏好也影响房屋和公寓的选择。 Lifestyle preferences also influence the choice between houses and apartments.