美国警察和社区团体为贫困儿童举办节日购物活动。 U.S. police and community groups host holiday shopping events for underprivileged children.
美国各地的地方执法和社区团体为需要帮助的儿童组织了节日购物活动。 Local law enforcement and community groups across the U.S. organized holiday shopping events for children in need. 在俄亥俄州利马,40多个家庭利用捐赠的礼品卡与公务员购物。 In Lima, Ohio, more than 40 families shopped with public servants using donated gift cards. Baraboo和Bemidji的类似活动涉及军官和志愿者与儿童一起购物,提供礼物和必需品。 Similar events in Baraboo and Bemidji involved officers and volunteers shopping with kids, providing gifts and essential items. 这些举措由社区支助供资,旨在给青年带来欢乐,并建立青年与执法之间的积极关系。 These initiatives, funded by community support, aim to bring joy and build positive relationships between youth and law enforcement.