亚洲股票在美联储削减速率预测后下降, 加上华尔街的下跌。 Asian stocks drop after the Fed cuts rate-cut forecast, joining Wall Street's decline.
美联储削减其速率预测后,华尔街股票下跌,亚洲股票下跌。 Asian stocks have fallen following Wall Street's decline after the US Federal Reserve cut its rate-cut forecast. 美联储的决定与日本银行稳定日元的干预一道,助长了市场下滑。 The Federal Reserve's decision, alongside the Bank of Japan's intervention to stabilize the yen, has contributed to the market downturn. 投资者正在采取谨慎的做法,等待经济政策的进一步更新和通货膨胀消息。 Investors are adopting a cautious approach, awaiting further economic policy updates and inflation news.