在美国强劲就业数据的刺激下,美元触及近 14 个月高点,亚洲股市下跌。 Asian stocks dropped as the US dollar hit near 14-month highs, spurred by robust US jobs data.
随着美元走强,亚洲股市下跌,达到近 14 个月高点。 Asian stock markets fell as the US dollar strengthened, reaching near 14-month highs. 强劲的美国就业报告推动了这一增长,该报告还提高了债券收益率,并在公司财报发布之前影响了股票估值。 This was fueled by a strong US jobs report, which also increased bond yields and affected stock valuations ahead of company earnings releases. 即将公布的消费者价格指数数据可能会影响利率决策,从而加剧亚洲市场的波动性。 The upcoming consumer price index data could influence interest rate decisions, adding to market volatility in Asia.