亚洲股票下跌,因为美联储表示减速较慢,导致华尔街卖出。 Asian stocks fell as the U.S. Fed signaled slower rate cuts, causing a Wall Street sell-off.
亚洲股票下降,因为美联储表示明年的利率削减速度较慢,导致华尔街被卖掉。 Asian stocks declined after the US Federal Reserve indicated a slower pace of interest rate cuts for next year, leading to a sell-off on Wall Street. 日本银行保持其利率,导致日元疲软。 The Bank of Japan maintained its interest rates, causing the yen to weaken. 摩根斯坦利资本国际的亚太指数下降高达1.6%,美国的主要指数也下降,道琼斯指数下降超过1,000点。 The MSCI Asia-Pacific index fell by up to 1.6%, and major US indexes also dropped, with the Dow Jones plunging over 1,000 points. 美联储的谨慎立场和降低的减速预期加剧了市场波动性和不确定性。 The Fed's cautious stance and reduced rate-cut expectations heightened market volatility and uncertainty.