报导:英格兰暴动的青年出于兴奋、缺乏机会、而非错误信息。 Report: Youth in England's riots motivated by thrill, lack of opportunities, not misinformation.
英格兰儿童专员Rachel de Souza女士发现,参与夏季暴乱的儿童是出于好奇和追求刺激,而不是出于错误信息或种族主义观点。 England's Children's Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza, found that children involved in summer riots were motivated by curiosity and thrill-seeking rather than misinformation or racist views. 对14名不满18岁者提出指控的访谈表明,他们的驱动力是缺乏机会和对警察的不信任。 Interviews with 14 charged under-18s showed they were driven by a lack of opportunities and distrust of the police. 报告批评严厉惩罚,呼吁康复和解决贫穷等根本原因。 The report criticizes severe punishments and calls for rehabilitation and addressing underlying causes like poverty.