RF传感器通过监测特定的无线电信号跟踪无人驾驶飞机,但面临射程、城市和成本挑战。 RF sensors track drones by monitoring specific radio signals, but face range, urban, and cost challenges.
无线电频率传感器可以通过监听每个无人机模型所使用的特定无线电信号,提供关于位置、速度和方向的数据,来探测和跟踪小型无人机。 Radio frequency (RF) sensors can detect and track small drones by listening to specific radio signals used by each drone model, providing data on location, speed, and direction. 然而,挑战包括探测范围有限、城市地区的困难以及无人驾驶飞机操作员使用无管制频率或反措施的可能性。 However, challenges include limited detection range, difficulty in urban areas, and potential for drone operators to use unregulated frequencies or countermeasures. 广泛部署也将是昂贵和复杂的。 Widespread deployment would also be expensive and complex.