东海岸的不明飞行物体 需要先进的无人机探测技术 Unidentified flying objects over the East Coast spark calls for advanced drone detection tech amid official dismissals.
公民和政客对东海岸天空不明飞行物体感到震惊, Citizens and politicians are alarmed by unidentified flying objects in East Coast skies, prompting calls for better drone detection. 联邦调查局和国土安全部驳回威胁,但参议员查克·舒默和州长凯西·霍胡尔敦促白宫部署先进的探测技术。 The FBI and Homeland Security dismiss the threat, but Senator Chuck Schumer and Governor Kathy Hochul urge the White House to deploy advanced detection tech. 美国联邦航空局禁止无人机在新泽西的部分地区飞行。 The FAA has banned drones over parts of New Jersey. 在考虑荷兰IRIS雷达系统的同时,文章建议,由RTX制成的美国制造的JLENS系统,在范围更广、视野更广的情况下,可能更有效、更具成本效益。 While the Dutch IRIS radar system is considered, the article suggests JLENS, an American-made system by RTX, could be more effective and cost-efficient, with a longer range and wider field of view.