新泽西岛居民被夜间无人驾驶飞机瞄准混为一谈,他们可以使用飞行追踪应用程序来识别飞机。 New Jersey residents confused by night drone sightings can use flight tracking apps to identify aircraft.
新泽西人报告夜间看到大型无人机,实际上可能是定期商业飞行。 People in New Jersey have been reporting sightings of large drones at night, which may actually be regular commercial flights. 为了澄清这些目击情况,Flightradar24、Plane Finder和FlightAware等应用程序提供了实时空中交通信息,包括飞机高度、速度和目的地。 To clarify these sightings, apps like Flightradar24, Plane Finder, and FlightAware provide real-time air traffic information, including aircraft altitude, speed, and destination. 这些应用软件可以识别商业无人机和其他飞机,但可能不会显示小型爱好无人机或一些军用飞机。 These apps can identify commercial drones and other aircraft but may not show small hobby drones or some military aircraft.