艾伯塔省北部的鸟类为春天的后代筑巢。 Northern Alberta birds build nests for spring offspring.
春天,艾伯塔省北部的鸟儿们忙着为未来的后代筑巢。 Birds in Northern Alberta are busy building nests for their future offspring during springtime. 有些鸟类会筑简单的巢,比如加拿大鹅会把它的蛋放在靠近岩石的地面上,并用一些绒毛作为缓冲。 Some birds create simple nests such as a Canada goose that placed its eggs on the ground next to rocks with a bit of fluff for cushioning. 在圣艾伯特,人们发现喜鹊在一棵高大的云杉树上筑巢,巢由树枝和木棍构成。 Magpies in St. Albert were spotted building a nest in a tall spruce tree with a twig and stick structure. 研究人员正在观察这些筑巢行为和模式。 Researchers are observing these nesting behaviors and patterns.