新西兰部长为慈善登记委员会任命两名新成员,将其扩大到五人。 New Zealand's minister appoints two new members to the Charities Registration Board, expanding it to five.
新西兰部长路易丝·乌普斯顿已任命罗杰·霍姆斯·米勒和塔里塔·哈钦森为慈善机构登记委员会成员,负责监督慈善机构的登记和撤销登记。 New Zealand's Minister Louise Upston has appointed Roger Holmes Miller and Tarita Hutchinson to the Charities Registration Board, which oversees the registration and deregistration of charities. 任命是在一项修正案之后作出的,修正案将委员会从三名成员扩大到五名成员。 The appointments follow an amendment that expanded the board from three to five members. 新西兰境内注册的慈善机构超过28 000个,新成员带来了法律和监管方面的专门知识,以加强董事会的决策。 With over 28,000 registered charities in New Zealand, the new members bring legal and regulatory expertise to strengthen the board's decision-making.