新任命4名新任命者加入新西兰电信协会董事会,以获得基础设施、地方政府和运输需要方面的专门知识。 4 new appointees added to NZTA board for expertise in infrastructure, local government, and transport needs.
交通部长Simeon Brown宣布4名新任命为NZTA董事会成员:Warwick Isacs、Rob Gilmore、Pat Dougherty(任期均为3年)和David Smol(连任18个月)。 Transport Minister Simeon Brown has announced 4 new appointments to the NZTA board: Warwick Isaacs, Rob Gilmore, Pat Dougherty (all for a 3-year term), and David Smol (reappointed for 18 months). 这些被任命者带来了工程、建筑和基础设施交付方面的丰富经验,与地方政府建立了牢固的联系,并了解了运输需求。 These appointees bring extensive experience in engineering, construction, and infrastructure delivery, with strong local government ties and understanding of transport needs. 其目标是帮助新西兰交通管理局注重维护道路和更快地提供基础设施,同时在财政上负责。 Their goal is to help NZTA focus on maintaining roads and delivering infrastructure faster while being fiscally responsible.