4名新成员加入了新西兰最大的信托机构“公共信托”,带来了各种专门知识。 4 new members join NZ's largest trustee service, Public Trust, bringing diverse expertise.
新西兰最大的信托和房地产管理局公共信托扩大了董事会,有4名新成员:Harley Aish博士、Matthew Harker、Anita Killeen和Karen Price。 New Zealand's largest trustee and estate administration service, Public Trust, has expanded its Board with four new members: Dr Harley Aish, Matthew Harker, Anita Killeen, and Karen Price. 这些老练的领导人从卫生、金融服务、法律和治理等部门带来各种专门知识。 These seasoned leaders bring diverse expertise from sectors such as health, financial services, legal, and governance. 预计这些任命将加强公共信托的领导能力,并有助于其在治理层面的战略优先事项。 The appointments are expected to strengthen Public Trust's leadership capabilities and contribute to its strategic priorities at a governance level.