新西兰向爱丽丝湖医院虐待幸存者提供补偿,包括最多150 000美元。 New Zealand offers redress, including up to $150,000, to Lake Alice hospital abuse survivors.
新西兰政府已宣布1972年至1978年在爱丽丝湖精神病医院为虐待和酷刑幸存者制定一项补救计划。 The New Zealand government has announced a redress plan for survivors of abuse and torture at the Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital between 1972 and 1978. 幸存者可以选择一次性支付150 000美元或个人赔偿金评估,以及正式道歉和支助服务。 Survivors can choose between a one-off payment of $150,000 or an individual assessment for compensation, along with a formal apology and support services. 这项旨在处理过去侵犯人权行为的补救措施必须在2025年底之前完成。 The redress, which aims to address past human rights violations, must be completed by the end of 2025.