新西兰虐待幸存者为寻求支持而奋斗,强调政府行动的差距。 New Zealand abuse survivors struggle for support, highlighting government action gaps.
由于缺乏政府的支持和司法公正,新西兰国家照料系统中的虐待幸存者面临持续的斗争。 Survivors of abuse in New Zealand's state care system face ongoing struggles due to a lack of government support and justice. 由志愿人员经营的像NZCAST这样的基层组织正介入援助这些易受伤害的个人,但他们面临着重大挑战。 Grassroots organizations, like NZCAST, operated by volunteers, are stepping in to assist these vulnerable individuals, but they face significant challenges. 幸存者报告说,由于目前的纠正程序,幸存者感到再次受到创伤,强调需要政府采取有意义的行动,执行过去的建议并提供必要的支助。 Survivors report feeling re-traumatized by the current redress process, highlighting the need for meaningful government action to implement past recommendations and provide necessary support.