蒙大拿州州长与专家会面,以应对增长和技术扩张所驱动的能源需求。 Montana's governor meets with experts to tackle energy demands driven by growth and tech expansion.
蒙大拿的能源部门是电力的主要净出口国,面临人口增长、通货膨胀和技术产业蓬勃发展所驱动的日益增长的需求。 Montana's energy sector, a significant net exporter of electricity, faces growing demands driven by population growth, inflation, and a booming tech industry. 州长Greg Gianforte召集了一次能源圆桌会议,以应对各种挑战并探讨解决办法。 Governor Greg Gianforte convened an Energy Roundtable to address challenges and explore solutions. 讨论强调,需要提供可靠、负担得起的能源、改进监管和提高传输能力。 The discussions highlighted the need for reliable, affordable energy, regulatory improvements, and increased transmission capacity. Montana的能源组合包括煤炭、水电、风能和天然气。 Montana's energy mix includes coal, hydroelectric, wind, and natural gas. 国家准备大幅度的能源增长,特别是在数据中心,计划投资总额达17亿美元,用于加强能源网。 The state is poised for significant energy growth, particularly in data centers, with planned investments totaling $1.7 billion to enhance the energy grid.