蒙大拿州考虑效仿怀俄明州在核能领域的领先地位,建设能源部潜在的燃煤电厂碳捕获设施。 Montana considers following Wyoming's lead in nuclear energy, with a potential DOE facility for carbon capture at coal-fired plants.
蒙大拿州可能会效仿怀俄明州进军核能领域。 Montana may follow Wyoming's move into nuclear energy. 美国能源部选择怀俄明州吉列作为潜在地点,建设一座捕获和储存燃煤发电厂碳的设施,两党联邦拨款 3.04 亿美元用于四个项目。 Gillette, Wyoming was chosen as a potential site for a DOE facility to capture and store carbon from coal-fired plants, using bi-partisan federal funding of $304 million for four projects. 怀俄明州的 TerraPower 项目因其承诺提供清洁能源和新的就业机会而被视为经济增长点,并得到了州长的支持。 The TerraPower project in Wyoming is seen as an economic boost, with support from the governor due to its promise of clean energy and new jobs.