6 新英格兰州获得38 900万美元的联邦资金,用于更新电网、促进风力发电、电池储存和电网过渡。 6 New England states receive $389m federal funding to upgrade electric grid, promoting wind power, battery storage, and grid transition.
6 新英格兰州获得38 900万美元的联邦资金,用于更新区域电网,从而增加离岸风能和电池储存技术。 6 New England states receive $389m federal funding to upgrade the regional electric grid, allowing for increased offshore wind power and battery storage technology. 该项目旨在向更清洁的电网过渡,提高可靠性,减少对天然气的依赖。 The project aims to transition to a cleaner grid, improve reliability, and reduce dependence on natural gas. 各州将为该项目捐助近5亿美元,可能通过电费支付。 The states will contribute nearly $500m to the project, likely through electric bills. 这笔赠款是用于这一轮全国筹资的1.8bn美元的一部分。 The grant is part of $1.8bn available for this round of funding nationwide.