米尔斯州长提议将缅因州能源办公室提升为内阁一级的部门,以改善能源管理。 Governor Mills proposes elevating Maine's Energy Office to a Cabinet-level department for better energy management.
州长Janet Mills提议将缅因州州长能源办公室提升为内阁一级的部门,以便更好地管理国家的能源基础设施和供应问题,目的是向居民提供负担得起的可靠能源。 Governor Janet Mills proposes elevating Maine's Governor's Energy Office to a Cabinet-level department to better manage the state's energy infrastructure and supply issues, aiming to provide residents with affordable and reliable energy. 这一过渡不偏重预算,需要立法批准,将使缅因州的能源管理与内阁一级能源部门的其他40个州更为相似。 The transition, which is budget-neutral and requires legislative approval, would make Maine's energy management more similar to 40 other states with Cabinet-level energy departments. 新部门将处理能源政策、规划、资源、数据、市场、安全和方案执行。 The new department would handle energy policies, planning, resources, data, markets, security, and program implementation.