法国最高法院维持了萨科齐的腐败定罪; 他面临一年的电子标签. France's highest court upholds Sarkozy's corruption conviction; he faces a year on electronic tag.
法国最高法院维持了前总统尼古拉·萨科齐的腐败定罪,命令他佩戴电子标签一年。 France's highest court has upheld former President Nicolas Sarkozy's corruption conviction, ordering him to wear an electronic tag for a year. 萨科齐因试图从法官那里得到好处和交换机密信息而被判有罪。 Sarkozy was found guilty of attempting to secure favors from a judge and exchanging confidential information. 法院驳回了他的上诉,但他的律师说,萨科齐打算将案件提交欧洲人权法院。 The court rejected his appeal, but his lawyer stated Sarkozy plans to take the case to the European Court of Human Rights. 萨科齐也因2007年竞选资金筹供而面临更多腐败指控。 Sarkozy is also facing additional corruption charges related to his 2007 campaign financing.