法国总统Macron采取了严格的隐私措施,以避免像他的前任那样出现丑闻。 French President Macron adopts strict privacy measures to avoid scandals like his predecessor.
法国总统埃马纽埃尔(Emmanuel Macron)采取了严格的隐私策略, French President Emmanuel Macron has adopted a strict privacy strategy to avoid controversies like those faced by his predecessor, François Hollande. Macron的策略受到2014年奥朗德的骑摩托车的跑步丑闻的影响, 以及2017年他竞选的电子邮件据称被黑客入侵的影响。 Described as "hyper-closed" and "extremely paranoid," Macron's approach was influenced by Hollande's scooter escapades scandal in 2014 and the alleged hacking of his campaign emails in 2017. Macron自上任以来,其个人访问有限,保安收紧,对侵犯隐私者采取法律行动,同时对媒体的批评报道进行反击,并在社交媒体上诋毁记者。 Since taking office, Macron has limited personal visits, tightened security, and pursued legal action against privacy invaders, while also countering critical media reports and discrediting journalists on social media.