Lee Rawlinson面临绝症性胰腺癌,侧重于家庭记忆和提高对这一疾病的认识。 Lee Rawlinson, facing terminal pancreatic cancer, focuses on family memories and raising awareness about the disease.
Lee Rawlinson,51岁,父亲,两人来自埃塞克斯,在万圣节被诊断患有绝症胰腺癌。 Lee Rawlinson, a 51-year-old father of two from Essex, was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer on Halloween. 癌症蔓延到他的肝脏,使其无法手术。 The cancer had spread to his liver, making it inoperable. 尽管预后不佳, 李仍专注于与家人一起创造"神奇的回忆", Despite the prognosis, Lee is focusing on making "magical memories" with his family, including a trip to Lapland. 他还旨在提高人们对胰腺癌的认识,这种癌症往往被诊断为晚期,影响到年轻家庭。 He also aims to raise awareness about pancreatic cancer, which is often diagnosed late, affecting young families.