维多利亚州癌症理事会警告称,巴拉瑞特市的癌症诊断率正在上升,一对夫妇分享了自己患癌症的经历,以支持巴拉瑞特大师足球俱乐部为格兰坪健康癌症康复中心举办的募捐活动。 Couple shares cancer experiences to support Ballarat Masters Football Club's fundraiser for the Grampians Health Cancer Wellness Centre, as Cancer Council Victoria warns of rising cancer diagnoses in Ballarat.
亨利卡·史密斯和格雷格·史密斯夫妇均为癌症患者,他们分享了自己的故事,以提高人们对巴拉瑞特大师足球俱乐部为格兰坪健康癌症康复中心筹款活动的认识。 Couple Henrika and Greg Smith, both cancer patients, shared their stories to raise awareness for the Ballarat Masters Football Club's fundraising efforts for the Grampians Health Cancer Wellness Centre. 该健康中心位于巴拉瑞特地区综合癌症中心内,提供 20 多个项目,包括肿瘤按摩、艺术疗法、财务咨询和支持小组。 The wellness centre, inside Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre, offers 20+ programs including oncology massage, art therapy, financial counseling, and support groups. 维多利亚州癌症委员会敦促巴拉瑞特的男性优先进行健康检查,因为预计未来 15 年新诊断的癌症数量将增加 48%。 Cancer Council Victoria urges men in Ballarat to prioritize health checks, as new cancer diagnoses are projected to rise by 48% in the next 15 years.