美国联邦航空局报告,自2015年以来,美国航班的锂离子电池火灾上升388%,几乎每周两次。 FAA reports lithium-ion battery fires on U.S. flights up 388% since 2015, occurring nearly twice a week.
联邦航空管理局(FAA)报告说,美国航班的锂离子电池火灾几乎每周发生两次,自2015年以来增加了388%。 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reports that lithium-ion battery fires on U.S. flights occur nearly twice a week, marking a 388% increase since 2015. 当笔记本电脑和平板电脑等设备中的电池过热或受损时,这些火灾就会发生。 These fires can happen when batteries in devices like laptops and tablets overheat or get damaged. 一项调查发现,87%的空姐担心这些风险,而乘客往往缺乏认识。 A survey found that 87% of flight attendants are concerned about these risks, while passengers often lack awareness. 联邦航空局建议让装置保持近距离监测,不把锂电池放在检查行李中以减少风险。 The FAA advises keeping devices close to monitor them and not placing lithium batteries in checked luggage to mitigate risks.