BHP面临针对澳大利亚性骚扰和性别歧视指控的集体诉讼。 BHP faces class action lawsuit over sexual harassment and sex discrimination allegations in Australia.
澳大利亚一家大型采矿公司BHP在澳大利亚联邦法院因性骚扰和性别歧视的指控而面临集体诉讼。 BHP, a major Australian mining firm, is facing a class action lawsuit in the Federal Court of Australia over allegations of sexual harassment and sex discrimination. 诉讼代表2003年11月至2024年3月在澳大利亚BHP工作的妇女。 The lawsuit represents women who worked at BHP's Australian sites from November 2003 to March 2024. 损害金额未具体说明,BHP指出,它不容忍骚扰,并优先考虑雇员的安全和福利。 The amount of damages is unspecified, and BHP has stated it does not tolerate harassment and prioritizes employee safety and well-being.