由Sally McManus领导的澳大利亚工会批评采矿业在布里斯班公约中反对同工同酬权利。 Australian unions led by Sally McManus to criticize mining industry for opposing Same Job Same Pay rights in Brisbane convention.
澳大利亚工会由澳大利亚首都直辖区秘书萨利·麦克马努斯领导,将在布里斯班举行的一次大会上向采矿业发表讲话,批评推翻即将到来的同工同酬权利的努力。 Australian unions, led by ACTU Secretary Sally McManus, will address the mining industry at a convention in Brisbane, criticizing efforts to overturn the upcoming Same Job Same Pay rights. 这些权利要求劳动雇工和直接就业工人同工同酬。 These rights require equal pay for labor hire workers and directly employed workers. 尽管采矿业利润巨大,但一些公司仍在游说,要求改变这些法律。 Despite mining's significant profits, some companies are lobbying to reverse these laws. 总理Albanese也计划强调在劳工局最近选举失败后, 提高采矿工人的工资。 Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also plans to emphasize wage increases for mining workers following Labor's recent electoral loss.