Actor Ryan Reynolds是88名加拿大人中的Actor Ryan Reynolds,因贡献显著而获得加拿大勋章的荣誉。 Actor Ryan Reynolds among 88 Canadians honored with Order of Canada for notable contributions.
Actor Ryan Reynolds和其他87名加拿大人被任命为加拿大最高平民荣誉勋章获得者。 Actor Ryan Reynolds and 87 other Canadians have been named recipients of the Order of Canada, the country's highest civilian honor. 该骑士团成立于1967年,承认了大约8 000名在不同领域作出贡献的个人。 Established in 1967, the Order has recognized about 8,000 individuals for their contributions in various fields. 今年的获奖者包括艺术家、学者、商人、公务员、倡导者、军人和媒体专业人员。 This year's recipients include artists, scholars, businesspeople, public servants, advocates, military members, and media professionals. 著名荣誉奖获得者是作家Maureen Jennings、体育广播员Scott Oake和大屠杀教育家David Gutter。 Notable honorees are author Maureen Jennings, sports broadcaster Scott Oake, and Holocaust educator David Gutter. 接受者由总督根据咨询理事会的建议挑选。 Recipients are chosen by the governor general based on recommendations from an advisory council.