教育家Donald Dippo 荣获加拿大促进全球教育平等的勋章。 Educator Donald Dippo honored with Order of Canada for promoting global education equity.
不列颠哥伦比亚省教育家Donald Dippo与演员Ryan Reynolds一起被任命为加拿大教团成员。 Donald Dippo, an educator from British Columbia, has been appointed to the Order of Canada, alongside actor Ryan Reynolds. Dippo数十年来一直致力于促进教育平等,对多伦多、东非、南美和中美洲部分地区的社区产生影响,他因此获得这一荣誉。 Dippo received this honor for his decades-long work in promoting education equity, impacting communities in Toronto, eastern Africa, and parts of South and Central America. 他的努力大大提高了全世界儿童和教师的受教育机会。 His efforts have significantly increased educational access for children and teachers worldwide.