普京声称军事志愿者的崛起正帮助俄罗斯在乌克兰获得领土。 Putin claims a rise in military volunteers is aiding Russia's territorial gains in Ukraine.
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)声称,加入军队的志愿者人数激增正帮助俄罗斯在乌克兰战争中取得势头。 Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that a surge in volunteers joining the military is helping Russia gain momentum in the Ukraine war. 普京说,俄罗斯部队今年将乌克兰部队推出近200个定居点,并控制了约4 500平方公里的领土,平均每天推进30平方公里。 Putin stated that Russian forces have pushed Ukrainian troops out of nearly 200 settlements this year and have taken control of about 4,500 square kilometers of territory, advancing an average of 30 square kilometers per day. 今年,超过43万俄罗斯人签署了军队合同,比去年的300 000人有所增加,普京将这一点归因于俄罗斯的军事进步。 Over 430,000 Russians signed army contracts this year, up from 300,000 last year, which Putin attributes to Russia's military progress.