据英国国防部长报告,自2022年冲突开始以来,俄罗斯每月在乌克兰遭受的损失是最高的。 UK defence chief reports Russia's highest monthly losses in Ukraine since the conflict began in 2022.
英国国防总司令托尼·拉达金爵士报告说,10月,俄罗斯月度损失在乌克兰最高,自2022年2月冲突开始以来,平均每天有1 500名俄罗斯士兵伤亡。 UK Defence Chief Admiral Sir Tony Radakin reported that Russia suffered its highest monthly losses in Ukraine in October, with an average of 1,500 Russian troops killed or injured daily since the conflict began in February 2022. 尽管取得了领土收益,但战争对俄罗斯造成了巨大的财政负担,消耗了40%以上的公共国防开支。 Despite territorial gains, the war is a significant financial drain on Russia, consuming over 40% of public defense spending. Radakin强调西方盟国承诺支持乌克兰, 并警告俄罗斯、北朝鲜、伊朗支持的团体等独裁国家威胁日增。 Radakin emphasized Western allies' commitment to supporting Ukraine and warned of growing threats from authoritarian states like Russia, North Korea, and Iran-backed groups.