新西兰工人罢工是为了提高工资,这反映了公共部门的紧张。 New Zealand workers strike for better pay, mirroring public sector tensions.
新西兰商业、创新与就业部近3 000名工会工人在1月底之前举行罢工,工资为零。 Nearly 3,000 unionized workers at New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment are on strike until late January over a zero percent pay offer. 工人将拒绝从事无酬或非必要工作,并同时休息。 Workers will refuse to do unpaid or non-essential tasks and will take synchronized breaks. 罢工是在其他公共部门工人采取类似行动之后进行的,突显了工会与政府之间在薪酬和工作保障问题上的持续紧张关系。 The strike follows similar actions by other public sector workers and highlights ongoing tensions between unions and the government over pay and job security.