缅甸将在1月4日释放四名泰国渔民, Myanmar to release four Thai fishermen on Jan 4, avoiding politicizing the maritime dispute.
缅甸将在1月4日缅甸独立日之际释放4名泰国渔民。 Myanmar will release four Thai fishermen on January 4th, coinciding with Myanmar's Independence Day. 泰国渔民被指控进入缅甸水域,导致法律诉讼和长达六年的判刑。 The Thai fishermen were accused of entering Myanmar waters, leading to legal proceedings and sentences of up to six years. 泰国官员正在努力释放他们, 避免将此事政治化。 Thai officials are working for their release and avoid politicizing the issue. 事件凸显了邻国之间的敏感海事关系。 The incident highlights the sensitive maritime relations between the neighboring countries.