缅甸在持续的军事统治下,在独立日释放了6 000多名囚犯。 Myanmar releases over 6,000 prisoners on Independence Day amid ongoing military rule.
缅甸军政府释放了6 000多名囚犯, 其中包括180名外籍人士, Myanmar's military government has released over 6,000 prisoners, including 180 foreigners, marking the country's 77th Independence Day. 自从军方在2021年政变中夺取政权以来,这一释放是在持续动荡的情况下发生的。 The release comes amid ongoing turmoil since the military seized power in a 2021 coup. 不清楚大赦中是否包括政治犯,军政府首领呼吁民族团结及和平解决冲突。 It is unclear if political detainees are included in the amnesty, and the junta chief called for national unity and peaceful conflict resolution.