在一场对抗导致一人死亡之后,31名泰国渔民在缅甸被拘留。 Thirty-one Thai fishermen were detained in Myanmar after a confrontation led to one death.
31名泰国捕鱼船员在与其他船只对峙后,在缅甸水域被拘留,造成1名船员死亡。 Thirty-one Thai fishing crew members were detained in Myanmar waters after a confrontation with other vessels resulted in one crew member's death. 这起事件发生在11月30日, 泰国渔业部警告渔民避免泰缅海上边界。 The incident occurred on November 30th, and Thailand's fisheries department has warned fishers to avoid the Thai-Myanmar maritime border. 泰国外交部将与缅甸就释放被拘留的渔民进行谈判。 Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs will negotiate with Myanmar for the release of the detained fishermen.