由于治理不善和缺乏合同,苏格兰审计质疑Ferguson Marine的未来。 Audit Scotland questions Ferguson Marine's future due to poor governance and lack of contracts.
苏格兰审计公司以治理和决策不善为由,对Ferguson Marine的长期可行性表示关切。 Audit Scotland has raised concerns over Ferguson Marine's long-term viability, citing poor governance and decision-making. 该船厂于2019年国有化,目前除Glen Rosa渡轮外没有合同,直到2026年,苏格兰政府仅提供资金。 The shipyard, nationalized in 2019, currently has no contracts beyond the Glen Rosa ferry, with only Scottish Government funding until 2026. 问题包括没有适当监督的大型离职一揽子计划以及未经批准修改合同。 Issues include large severance packages without proper oversight and contract changes without approval. 审计要求对治理情况进行一次独立审查,以防止今后出现失误。 The audit calls for an independent review of governance to prevent future missteps. 苏格兰政府正在努力加强院子的治理和保障其未来。 The Scottish government is working to strengthen the yard's governance and secure its future.