英国家庭可以通过减少智能仪的使用量,在圣诞节免费电费中赚取高达10英镑的收入。 UK households can earn up to £10 in free electricity on Christmas by reducing use with smart meters.
有智能米的英国家庭如果在12月22日前注册,可以在圣诞节通过Uswitch与全国网格之间的伙伴关系免费获得10英镑的电力。 UK households with smart meters can get up to £10 in free electricity on Christmas Day through a partnership between Uswitch and the National Grid, if they sign up by Dec. 22. 参与者必须通过关闭未用电器来减少电力的使用。 Participants must reduce electricity use by turning off unused appliances. 家庭可以通过 Uswitch 应用程序追踪使用量, 并选择将储蓄捐给慈善机构。 Households can track usage via the Uswitch app and choose to donate their savings to charity. 这一倡议旨在减少能源消耗和促进智能计量的使用。 This initiative aims to cut energy consumption and promote smart meter use.