不列颠哥伦比亚省Polley山矿的有毒废料仍在伤害当地湖泊和鱼类。 Ten years after a dam breach, toxic waste from British Columbia's Mount Polley Mine still harms local lakes and fish.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省Polley山矿发生尾矿大坝破裂十年后,有毒废物继续影响着当地水道,包括Polley和Quesnele湖。 Ten years after a tailings dam breach at the Mount Polley Mine in British Columbia, toxic waste continues to affect local waterways, including Polley and Quesnel Lakes. 2014年的灾害释放出2 500万立方米的采矿废物,造成持久的环境破坏。 The 2014 disaster released 25 million cubic meters of mining waste, leading to lasting environmental damage. 最近根据《渔业法》对帝国金属公司和其他公司提出了15项指控。 Recently, 15 charges under the Fisheries Act were filed against Imperial Metals Corp. and other companies. 研究表明,无脊椎动物,特别是铜的金属含量较高,可能损害鱼类的感官,并可能影响鱼类的生存。 Studies reveal elevated metal levels in invertebrates, particularly copper, which can impair fish senses, potentially affecting their survival. 受污染的沉积物仍然悬浮在水中,引起人们对水生生态系统和鱼类种群长期影响的关切。 Contaminated sediment remains suspended in the water, stirring up concerns about long-term impacts on the aquatic ecosystem and fish populations.