育空地区当局调查在怀特霍斯附近关闭的鹰金矿可能有毒泄漏。 Yukon authorities investigate possible toxic leak from closed Eagle Gold mine near Whitehorse.
育空地区当局接到通知说,怀特霍斯以北关闭的鹰金矿的有毒水封闭池可能发生漏水事件。 Yukon authorities have been notified of a possible leak from a toxic water containment pond at the closed Eagle Gold mine, located north of Whitehorse. 该矿去年6月发生重大溢漏,现在由普华永道会计师事务所(PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.)监督,因为其拥有接管地位。 The mine, which experienced a major spill last June, is now overseen by PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. due to its receivership status. 在12月28日被提醒注意池塘中“违规情况”后, 监管机构正在监测对附近的哈加尔溪的潜在影响。 After being alerted to "irregularities" in the pond's volume on December 28, regulatory agencies are monitoring for potential impacts on nearby Haggart Creek. 以前测试发现水中的汞、钴和氰化物含量较高。 Previous tests found elevated levels of mercury, cobalt, and cyanide in the water.