由于重金属污染,美国环保局在超级基金清单上增加了150英里的上哥伦比亚河延伸段。 EPA adds 150-mile Upper Columbia River stretch to Superfund list due to heavy metal contamination.
由于铅、砷和其他重金属的污染,环境保护局(环保局)在其超级基金清单中增加了华盛顿上哥伦比亚河150英里长的河段。 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has added a 150-mile stretch of the Upper Columbia River in Washington to its Superfund list due to contamination from lead, arsenic, and other heavy metals. 污染源自加拿大的熔炼设施和前美国冶炼厂。 The pollution stems from a Canadian smelting facility and a former U.S. smelter. 该指定将促进清理工作,并有可能确保联邦为这一进程提供资金,解决人类健康和环境面临的风险。 The designation will facilitate cleanup efforts and potentially secure federal funding for the process, addressing risks to human health and the environment.