阿萨德统治下的叙利亚监狱敲诈家属, 索贿近900万美元, Syrian prisons under Assad extorted families for bribes totaling nearly $900M, often without results.
被推翻的叙利亚领导人巴沙尔·阿萨德领导的叙利亚监狱既是镇压的工具,又是赚钱的手段。 Syrian prisons under ousted leader Bashar al-Assad operated as both a tool of repression and a money-making scheme. 被拘押者的家人被勒索以索贿,总金额近9亿美元,他们往往得不到有关其亲人的信息,其中许多人据信已经死亡。 Families of detainees were extorted for bribes totaling almost $900 million, often without receiving information on their loved ones, many of whom are believed to be dead. 随着政权的削弱,家属通过废弃的监狱记录搜寻线索。 As the regime weakened, families searched through abandoned prison records for clues.