叙利亚领导人在教堂遭到袭击和安全问题日益严重的情况下与基督教领袖会面。 Syrian leader meets Christian leaders amid attacks on churches and growing safety concerns.
最近发生的针对叙利亚基督徒的事件,包括一座教堂遭到破坏和一棵圣诞树被烧,导致叙利亚事实上的领袖与基督教神职人员会晤。 Recent incidents targeting Christians in Syria, including the damage to a church and burning of a Christmas tree, led to a meeting between Syria's de-facto leader and Christian clerics. 尽管军事团体HTS承诺提供保护,但对叙利亚减少的基督教人口的未来安全和宗教自由仍然感到关切。 Despite promises of protection from militant group HTS, concerns remain over the future safety and religious freedoms of Syria's shrinking Christian population. 基督教团体正在呼吁全球祈祷和支持,以确保礼拜自由。 Christian groups are calling for global prayer and support to ensure freedom of worship.