Shropshire的Severn Hospice每年需要1 000万英镑来支助近3 000名病人。 Severn Hospice in Shropshire fights financial challenges, needing £10 million annually to support nearly 3,000 patients.
Shropshire的Severn Hospice每年需要1000万英镑来经营, Severn Hospice in Shropshire needs £10 million annually to operate, relying on income from 32 charity shops, a lottery, bequests, and various events. 尽管最初的财政困难,包括110万英镑的赤字,但由于捐款,休养院已经将这一数额减少到40万英镑。 Despite initial financial struggles, including a £1.1 million deficit, the hospice has reduced this to £400,000 thanks to donations. 由于预计2025年国家保险会上涨,慈善机构面临成本上升的问题。 The charity faces rising costs due to an anticipated National Insurance hike in 2025. 疗养院成立于1989年,现在每年支助近3 000人,在关于协助死亡的辩论中,强调提供临终护理的重要性。 Founded in 1989, the hospice now supports nearly 3,000 people annually, highlighting the importance of end-of-life care amid debates on assisted dying.