收容所为4个新床位提供资金,加强诺福克和哈尔迪曼德的临终护理。 Hospice secures funding for four new beds, enhancing end-of-life care in Norfolk and Haldimand.
Norfolk和Haldimand县的一个收容所为四张新床位提供了资金,在离家近的地方提供高质量的临终护理。 A hospice in Norfolk and Haldimand counties has secured funding for four new beds, providing high-quality end-of-life care close to home. 省级供资的目的是在类似家庭的环境中提供舒适和专门的医疗支助,减少对地方医院的压力。 The provincial funding aims to offer comfort and specialized medical support in a home-like setting, reducing pressure on local hospitals. Norfolk Haldimand社区收容所认为这是一个重要的里程碑,并计划为该地区建立一个全面的设施。 The Norfolk Haldimand Community Hospice views this as a significant milestone and plans to build a full-scale facility for the region.