中国放宽了在医疗、电信和互联网服务领域吸引更多外国投资的限制。 China eases restrictions to attract more foreign investment in healthcare, telecom, and internet services.
中国正在加快改革,通过放宽对医疗保健和电信等部门的限制,吸引更多的外国投资。 China is speeding up reforms to attract more foreign investment by easing restrictions in sectors like healthcare and telecommunications. 新条例确保外国公司在政府采购方面享有平等机会,并允许更多参与互联网服务和医院等领域。 New regulations ensure foreign firms have equal opportunities in government procurement and allow greater participation in areas such as internet services and hospitals. 随着全球外国直接投资连续两年下降,这些变化随之而来。 These moves come as global foreign direct investment has fallen for two consecutive years.