Tulare县官员努力防止禽流感传播到人类,并影响乳制品业。 Tulare County officials work to prevent bird flu from spreading to humans and impacting the dairy industry.
加利福尼亚州Tulare县的公共卫生官员是美国乳制品生产商,他们正在努力防止禽流感蔓延到人类。 Public health officials in Tulare County, California, the top U.S. dairy producer, are working to prevent bird flu from spreading to humans. 鉴于县在牛奶生产方面的关键作用,控制疫情对维持奶制品业的安全和稳定至关重要。 Given the county's crucial role in milk production, controlling the outbreak is essential to maintain the safety and stability of the dairy industry.