由于病例增加,美国农业部将从11月1日起测试美国H5N1禽流感的牛奶。 The USDA will test U.S. milk for H5N1 bird flu starting November 1 due to rising cases.
美国农业部将于11月1日开始测试美国H5N1禽流感的牛奶供应情况, The USDA will start testing the U.S. milk supply for H5N1 bird flu on November 1, following a rise in cases among dairy herds, especially in California. 这项全国性倡议旨在及早查明病毒,并在对人类健康和乳制品业的关切中加强生物安全。 This nationwide initiative aims to identify the virus early and enhance biosecurity amid concerns for human health and the dairy industry. 自3月以来,14个州的近400群牛群受到影响,在俄勒冈州一头猪发现病毒后更加谨慎。 Since March, nearly 400 herds in 14 states have been affected, with heightened caution following the virus's detection in a pig in Oregon.